Jul 27, 2013

Seeing Double: Twins-Co-Valedictorians Achieve Success

Kristie and Kirstie Bronner, Class of 2013, have always done everything together — from dressing alike in elementary school to double dating in high school. On May 19, the music majors from Atlanta graduated from Spelman College as co-valedictorians with perfect 4.0 GPAs.
 “I definitely do not feel like I came to school perfect,” said Kirstie. “I always felt like a 4.0 student was a genius, and I didn’t think that I was a genius. I still don’t think I’m a genius. I’m a person who prays hard and works hard. That’s it.”

Extremely disciplined from high school, the Bronners found themselves spending the majority of their time studying during the early part of their Spelman career. They soon realized all of their studying was causing them to burnout.

To create balance in their life, Kristie and Kirstie began scheduling time to hang out with friends and go to the movies on the weekend. This change helped them to stop looking forward to breaks and begin enjoying their college experience. “Every semester became more enjoyable, more manageable, more balanced and we became healthier,” explained Kristie.
Upon graduation, Kristie and Kirstie plan to work full-time in ministry. They will work as youth event coordinators at Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral, which is pastored by their father, the Rev. Dale C. Bronner. In this position, they will plan conferences and programming, serve as youth counselors and work with the youth choirs and praise and worship teams. Additionally, the twins plan to author a book, record the contemporary Christian music they’ve been writing, and continue speaking to youth and women at events and conferences.

James and David Wang of Rocky Hill (CT) are identical in many ways. The twin brothers have the same 3.95 GPA and they participated in the same activities, including Cross Country, the student newspaper, and Student Council. In fact, the brothers both only earned one B during their High School tenure, which was in AP English.
 This Thursday, the twins will both be honored as valedictorian at the Rocky Hill High School graduation. There will be only one valedictorian speech, so the brothers have planned to split it up. “Sometimes he’ll go line for line, and the other times we’ll go paragraph for paragraph,” David, 18, said.
“Right, like we planned out a dialogue in our speech, so it’ll be interesting,” James, 18, added.
 The twins planned to be at the top of their class together.
 “In ninth grade, we both decided, we both wanted to be co-valedictorians. And so we planned out our classes accordingly; we helped each other study, and yeah, we got here,” David said.

Marcos and Malcolm Allen were busy signing autographs to middle schoolers on Friday morning. The Centennial High School graduates and 18 year-old twins are anything but average.

Both have been named class valedictorians, graduating with 4.8 grade point averages. In the fall, they'll be heading to Stanford University with basketball scholarships in hand.

"It's been a very long road, academically and athletically," Marcos tells Action News. However, they both agree it's been well worth the effort.

In a talk Friday morning with middle schoolers at Del Sol High School, the twins pushed the importance of working hard to achieve success.

Mother Trina Wiggins graduated from Stanford University several years ago. "You have to have a plan. You can't just go day to day and think this is going to miraculously happen," she tells us.

She helped the two put their future plans into place when they were only seventh graders. Both started taking SAT prep classes in middle school.

"It all pays off and I feel like the earlier you start, the better you'll end up," adds Malcolm.

The two are excited to play basketball for the Stanford Cardinals. In the future, they hope to play in the NBA for the Lakers.



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