Mar 20, 2012

Karen Santorum Defends "Righteous Rick"

Appearing on Piers Morgan's CNN show on the night before the Illinois Republican Primary, Karen Santorum defended her husband, Rick Santorum, former Pennsylvania Senator and current Republican presidential candidate. She addressed the campaign's social issues, including contraception and women's rights. Mrs. Santorum said that the media's portrayal of her husband "saddens her".  She says women have nothing to fear, stating "when it comes to contraceptives, he will do nothing on that issue".

Well, the women of Tennessee, Oklahoma, Alabama and Mississippi must agree with Karen Santorum; they voted for "Righteous Rick" in their recent Republican Primaries.  I'm afraid I don't agree with these women or Mrs. Santorum. I listen to what the candidate says now and what he wrote in his 2005 book "It Takes A Family".

Santorum continually talks about the evil of birth control and says he sees it as a public policy issue. He opposes abortion, even in cases of rape or incest stating that even though the child is
 "horribly created...nevertheless, a gift in a very broken way...we have to make the best of a bad situation."
Santorum lashes out at "radical feminists" for wanting equal career opportunities and refers to the "war on traditional family and radical feminism's misogynistic crusade to make working outside the home the only marker of social value and self respect".

I shake in my boots when I think about the Republican war on women, the transvaginal ultrasounds, the "doctor's lie to your patient to prevent possible abortions", and all the rest of the legislation they've passed to dilute Roe v. Wade and usurp a women's right to control her own body.  I ask myself "why would Rick Santorum say these things if he doesn't feel compelled to act on them should he be elected". Good for Karen Santorum, her large family, the home schooling, and all that goes with their beliefs. I greatly fear that Republicans will continue to pass legislation that follows the theme they are setting, including voter suppression and union busting.

Rick Santorum is a wake up call for me and motivates me to work diligently to re-elect our President to a second term.



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