Aug 29, 2013

Iconic Video Game Characters

Just as we love our favorite television characters, video gamers are estatic about their beloved video characters. Longevity is the word when talking about fortunes that owe their existence to a plumber, a sports franchise, or even a quirky animal. Each is a master of design and has inspired the loyalty of  gamers throughout the years.  Let's visit the gallery of pixel-powered superstars who have fill the coffers of their franchise while capturing a lasting place in our culture and in our hearts.

Who would have thought that Nintendo's dumpy plumber would take top billings in our gallery of superstars? Well, "It's me, Mario" is the most recognizable gaming hero of all time.  Created by gaming genius Shigueu Miyamoto in 1981, the little guy with the moustache debuted in Donkey Kong under the name "Jumpman". Now 200 games later, Mario is one of the most famous video game characters in the world. Still relevant to gamers, Mario Kart for the Nintendo Wii was the top selling game in 2008 and 2009, with a total of 262 million units sold.

Another great creation of Shigueu Miyamoto introduced one of the most enduring heroes of all time. Link of the Legend of Zelda first appeared in 1986 as a non-speaking youngster full of awe at the wonder of his world and determined to build his confidence through the adventures he encounters. Over the years, a mature young man emerges ready to experience life's challenges and eager for the next adventure. Link stars in the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, who some say is one of the greatest videogames of ever made.

If a dumpy plumber finds his way to your heart, do you have room for a super fast blue teenage hedge hog? Sonic is his name and blitzing across your screen at lighting speed is his claim to fame. He first appeared as Sonic: The Hedgehog in 1991 and he continues to grow with each passing year. Sonic has a hippty-dippity swagger and an unbelieveably heart-catching look of confusion on his face when things don't go quite as he planned. He's a character alright with speed galore, a thrist for thrills, and he's packed full of fun.

Don't think we forgot the ladies, not a chance. Meet dynamic, exciting Lara Croft who first appeared in Tomb Raider in 1996. She's more than a hot chick in shorts and a tight tee shirt, she's no shrinking violet. Lara is one of  a kind. This beautiful aristocrat is bold, brassy, and unconquerable. She is the driving force behind the Tomb Raider franchise. Comics, films, all manner of merchandise-Lara bring in the coins and never stops satisfying her audience.

We all have our favorite gaming franchises and video super stars. If you're in the mood, take a minute and let us know who makes your heart beat and makes video gaming worthwhile in your world.



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