Feb 8, 2014

Obama's Actions Speak Louder Than Words

When the Norwegian Nobel Peace Prize Committee surprised the world by giving the 2009 Award to U. S. President Barack Obama, the controversy was widespread and everyone had an opinion. President Obama was chosen from 205 nominees which some found appalling vs. those that saw the selection as amazing. Even as recent as 2013, detractors have sought the means to revoke the Peace Award he was granted. Recently, however, the historic negotiations with Iran to find a sensible halt to their nuclear program have netted our leader comparisons to Nixon's opening the "gate" to China and Reagan relationship with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. It appears the President is fulfilling his promises to usher in a "“new era of American leadership, one that turned the page on a decade of war.” Robert Scheer details the President's current peace efforts in a recent article in The Nation.

As apparent in his 2012 State of the Union Address, President Obama has consistently championed education as a vital component to our nation's growth and well-being. His efforts to spark a dead and unproductive Congress to action is a matter of record. But, little publized facts show he put his money where his mouth is when he received 1.4 million dollars with his Nobel Peace Prize Award.

President Obama contributed his awards dollars primarily to educational foundations and ventures. The Posse Foundation which helps nontraditional high school students get into college was one recipient of his donations. The United Negro College Fund, Hispanic Fund, American Indian College Fund received funds also. Central Asia Institute received funds to help educate girl's in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Africare was also listed as a recipient from the disbursement. Fisher House received $250,000 and the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund received $200,000.



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