My romance with Netflix (new logo and all) continues to supply my need
for new dramas that offer deliciously interesting characters caught in webs of
mystery and intrigue. What kind of chum would I be if I didn’t share with my friends?
Being loyal and true blue compels me to let you in on my recently discovered treasure trove
of hidden gems. Join me on my journey,
and open doors to new adventures compliments of Netflix and your
television set.
Let’s start with the 2014 American miniseries, “The
Assets”. a true to life spy mystery based on the book Circle of Treason: A CIA Account of Traitor
Aldrich Ames and the Men He Betrayed by retired CIA officers Sandra Grimes
and Jeanne Vertefeuille. When the show first aired on January 2, not everyone
shared my enthusiasm. The pilot episode received the lowest
rating of any drama premier on any of the three major networks ever. When the
second episode aired on January 9, the negative reviews and low ratings
caused a quick death on January 10. The remaining
episodes appeared months later on Saturday nights and a few Sunday
afternoons in the summer until completion.
CIA Counter-intelligence expert Sandy Grimes (Jodi Whittaker) soon recognizes that the agency is losing its “assets” (Soviet Intel Officers spying for the U. S.) in rapid-fire succession. She is assigned a vital mission: save the assets by identifying the mole thought to be operating within the agency itself. As the story progresses Sandy begins to suspect Ames, but must convince others that he is the mole selling secret information to the Soviets. The story develops bit by bit, piece by piece until the small group dedicated to finding the mole agrees that Ames is their man.
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Aldrich Ames, Traitor |
I don’t know what the critics saw, but the series
held my interest and took me along for the ride as the spy was uncovered and captured.
It gave me a chance to revisit the Cold War through a real-life widely publicized case. No, it wasn't flashy, but the chase itself and the development of the characters fit my bill. Thanks to the arrogance of Ames coupled with the determination of Sandy Grimes, justice was served in 1994. Ames was convicted of espionage and sentenced to
life in prison without the possibility of parole. As the drama ended, Aldrich Ames himself, a 31 year CIA veteran turned traitor, shared some insight as to why he
choose to betray his country and how he lives with the knowledge of the cost of
his sins.
Call me crazy, but I thought the time I spent watching "The Assets" was
time well spent. Fortunately, I was unaware of the low ratings and negative reviews when I decided to watch the series.Could the critics be wrong? Check it out for yourself. Don’t forget to let me know what you think.
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