When I heard the story of Kalief Browder, I was first
shocked, then, angry, and finally saddened. My thoughts went instantly to my
seventeen year old grandson, Mekhi, and then to my nephews Cameron and
Christian, twenty-five and twenty-two respectively. I realized once again that
this story could be their story and then I got on my knees and prayed.
Kalief Browder spent three years on Rikers Island without
being convicted of a crime. He had been arrested in the spring of 2010, at age
sixteen, for a robbery he insisted he had not committed. Then he spent more
than one thousand days on Rikers waiting for a trial that never happened.
During that time, he endured about two years in solitary confinement, where he
attempted to end his life several times. 
In November of 2013,
six months after he left Rikers, Browder attempted suicide again. This time, he
tried to hang himself at home, from a bannister, and he was taken to the
psychiatric ward at St. Barnabas Hospital, not far from his home, in the Bronx.
When I met him, in the spring of 2014, he appeared to be more stable.

After two weeks at
St. Barnabas, Browder was released and sent back home. The next day, his
lawyer, Paul V. Prestia, got a call from an official at Bronx Community
College. An anonymous donor (who had likely read the New Yorker story) had
offered to pay his tuition for the semester. This happy news prompted Browder
to reenroll. For the next few months he seemed to thrive. He rode his bicycle
back and forth to school every day, he no longer got panic attacks sitting in a
classroom, and he earned better grades than he had the prior semester.
Kelief Browder told
stories about having been abused by officers and inmates on
Rikers. The stories were disturbing, but Gonnerman says she did not fully appreciate
what he had experienced until this past April when she obtained surveillance
footage of an officer assaulting him and of a large group of inmates pummeling
and kicking him. Sitting next to Kalief she watched these videos for the first
time with him. Afterward, they discussed whether they should be published on
The New Yorker’s Web site. She told him that it was his decision. He said to
put them online.
He was driven by the
same motive that led him to talk to Gonnerman for the first time, a year
earlier. He wanted the public to know what he had gone through, so that nobody
else would have to endure the same ordeals. His willingness to tell his story
publicly—and his ability to recount it with great insight—ultimately helped
persuade Mayor Bill de Blasio to try to reform the city’s court system and end
the sort of excessive delays that kept him in jail for so long.
Browder’s story also caught the attention of Rand Paul, who
began talking about him on the campaign trail. Jay Z met with Browder after
watching the videos. Rosie O’Donnell invited him on “The View” last year and
recently had him over for dinner. Browder could be a very private person, and
he told almost nobody about meeting O’Donnell or Jay Z. However, in a picture
taken of him with Jay Z, who draped an arm around his shoulders, Browder looked
Last Monday, Prestia, who had filed a lawsuit on Browder’s behalf against the city, noticed that Browder had put up a couple of odd posts on Facebook. When Prestia sent him a text message, asking what was going on, Browder insisted he was O.K. “Are you sure everything is cool?” Prestia wrote. Browder replied: “Yea I’m alright thanks man.” The two spoke on Wednesday, and Browder did seem fine. On Saturday afternoon, Prestia got a call from Browder’s mother: he had committed suicide.
I'm convinced that our dysfunctional U. S. Justice system killed Kalief Browder. There's more to his story. Read the Exclusive in the Daily News and learn about another recent suicide, an 18 year old Riker's Island inmate who hanged himself in his cell.
Last Monday, Prestia, who had filed a lawsuit on Browder’s behalf against the city, noticed that Browder had put up a couple of odd posts on Facebook. When Prestia sent him a text message, asking what was going on, Browder insisted he was O.K. “Are you sure everything is cool?” Prestia wrote. Browder replied: “Yea I’m alright thanks man.” The two spoke on Wednesday, and Browder did seem fine. On Saturday afternoon, Prestia got a call from Browder’s mother: he had committed suicide.
I'm convinced that our dysfunctional U. S. Justice system killed Kalief Browder. There's more to his story. Read the Exclusive in the Daily News and learn about another recent suicide, an 18 year old Riker's Island inmate who hanged himself in his cell.
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