Underworld Awakening hit the screens today, but Kate Beckinsdale as vampire warrior Selene wasn't the talk of my crowd of friends and neither was the war between the Vampire and Lycan clans. Suave, clean cut actor Michael Ealy in the role of Detective Sebastian had tongues waging and hearts throbbing.
It was his steel gray eyes I remembered most, as I began to connect the dots from performance to performance. He was Ricky Nash in both "Barbershop" movies, terrorist Darwyn Al-Sayeed in the Showtime miniseries "Sleeper Cell" and the heart wrenching ex-soldier Beau Willie in Tyler Perry's ensemble drama "For Colored Girls". Don't let me forget that I saw him in the movie "Takers" and on TV's "The Good Wife". This handsome actor is working steadily and that's a blessing for him and his audiences.

Let's get to some questions and find out more about Michael Ealy. These exchanges are from a group interview on the set of Underworld Awakening as reported by collider.com:
How does your character reconcile the real world of drug dealers, murderers, human criminals, with this fantasy world of vampires and werewolves?
Ealy: It’s a good question. I think for my character, because he’s a cop and not like a plumber, I think he can kind of handle the difference. I think to him the bad guys are the bad guys, and whether they’re vampires, lycans, or whatever, if they’re killing people he needs to get involved. So for me, the dynamic doesn’t change simply because he’s a cop.
We’ve seen this world of Lycans and vampires for three movies, and we haven’t really seen any humans.
Ealy: I guess that’s the whole purpose of my character is to try and bring that human element that hasn’t been there in the other films.
It seems like a lot of movies you’ve done over the years, For Colored Girls, and like you did the Spike Lee movie, and it’s very based in reality. It as not genre stuff, it was not action stuff, it was not like horror/fantasy…so coming to this it must have been very different. Are you a fan of this genre stuff? What was the big draw to something like this, which is just so different from those other things?
Ealy: That’s the big draw. It is so different. I’m not a sci-fi guy. I never really cared about vampires. You know? I’ve always thought vampires were interesting because they live forever, they’re always well-financed, they dress well, you know what I mean? And they’re like cool. Usually vampire – you’ve never seen a broke vampire. Have you?
Michael will be starring in Steve Harvey's "Think Like A Man" with Gabrielle Union, Kevin Hart and Taraji P. Henson. The movie is scheduled for release March 9th.
As actors say, "Break a leg".
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