Have you heard the term A-worm? Think Donald Sterling, owner of the Los Angeles Clippers. Think Clive Bundy, Nevada's millionaire welfare cattle rancher. A high school coach refers to a Black player as a "future welfare recipient". New York Policemen refer to West Indian carnival goers as savages, animals and said that someone should drop a bomb on them and wipe them out. Rush Limbaugh called the President an "Oreo Cookie". Are you getting the picture? We're talking about an angry, white, old, Republican or right wing man. The drama never ceases.
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Robert Copeland |
Police Commissioner Robert Copeland recently was heard calling President of the United States the "N" word. Mind you his comment was preceded by an obscenity. The residents of Wolfeboro, NY spoke out and rejected Copeland's comments saying he didn't speak for the town nor did he reflect their sentiments. They demanded his resignation. Copeland stood by his statement, but bowed to pressure from the town, resigning his position.
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Doug Lamborn |
What we continue to learn is that racism is alive and well in the hearts and minds of some people in this country. Some even sit in the hallow halls of the United States Congress. Republican Congressman Doug Lamborn of Colorado referred to the President as a "tar baby". You can search the media and find numerous examples. You'll even find a Congressman calling President Obama a liar during a State of the Union message. We have seen accepted decorum and due respect dismissed when it come to number 44.
What is surprising is that there are no limits to what some will do to assure themselves of fifteen minutes of media fame and massive support from their like-minded cronies. Elected officials seem to think that spurious comments and name calling is an easy way to collect contributions from donors. Many will say or do anything to get a line of coverage in the press and it seems to pay off. It will take vigilance and dedication to call out these unacceptable acts and statements and ensure that there are consequences for this type of behavior.
Beware, another A-Worm will strike again. Let there be consequences.
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